Kierr click
Window Outliner
Window closer Kierr Click 100
The Kierr Click 100 window opener is made of aluminum and has been carefully tested and can only be used on inward opening windows.
So also ideal for reducing the tilt position on your window to the desired position to let in less cold but still ventilate!
This window opener works with removable magnets and is therefore especially recommended if the window opens and closes frequently.
You can leave the Kierr Click 100 on your window and it automatically moves with the opening window.
You can attach the magnets with very strong adhesive tape to plastic, wood and aluminum and so again without drilling or screwing! Via the easy-to-operate turning knobs of the window fastener, you can set the gap position to obtain an opening between approximately 2 and 8 cm.
The Kierr Click 100 is the unique solution to use as a window stay to reduce the tilt position of a window see the tilt position windows section for the exact operation for this.
Ideal for use in residential houses, flats and commercial buildings.
See specifications below for further information.

Option window stay reduce opening tilt-up window
A common complaint is that the opening of a tilt position window is too large but you still want to ventilate.
You can usually only choose 1 position, which is often too large and often lets in too much cold or warm air. The Kierr Click 100 window stay is then the ideal solution to reduce your gap position.
The Kierr Click 100 window openers use magnets that can be easily attached to your window without drilling or screwing.
The ideal solution to keep cold and heat out but still ventilate!
Instruction video Kierr Click 100 for inward opening windows
Here is a film of using the Kierr Click 100 window stay on an open window.
Without drilling and screwing.
Option for an inward-turning window
The Kierr Click 100 window opener is the ideal solution to leave an inward opening window ajar without drilling or screwing.
Suitable for plastic, wood and aluminum windows and very easy to install.
A great and unique solution if you do not want to damage anything on your frame or window but still like to ventilate!
The smallest position is ideal for the winter months to let in at least cold fresh air.

Option window closer Kierr Click 100 for use in office buildings, commercial premises or listed buildings
There are often few options for proper ventilation in commercial buildings.
You can often only open a window in business premises at a wide gap, for example in the office.
This is not ideal in winter you get too much cold inside and in summer too much heat while you still need to ventilate for your health.
In that case, the Kierr Click 100 window openers are perfect to use!
You adjust these on your window to regulate the amount of fresh air yourself.
And all this of course without drilling and screwing!
Mounting film Kierr Click 100 window stay for inward opening windows
See the installation video here.
See in what a simple way you can install the window stay.