Kierr flex
Door Holders
Kierr Flex Door Retainer
The door holdfasts Kierr Flex are made of aluminum and have flexible plastic clamping blades with cellular rubber protection. In addition, they are lightweight. Via the knurled turning knobs you can easily increase and decrease the desired opening and securely fix your plastic, aluminum or wooden door . Would you like a larger opening than the Kierr Flex 100 with which you can achieve a gap position between 5 and 15 cm? Then choose the door holdback Kierr Flex 200 with which you can create an opening of 15 to 35 cm. Or take the Kierr Flex 300 for an opening of 20 to 50 cm! With this you create enough space for yourself to walk through without having to open the door holdback. The big extra plus of the Kierr Flex 200 and Kierr Flex 300 is that they are hinged, so you can also leave the Kierr Flex holder on your door while you open the door!

Option door holdback outside-inside doors
Your back door, interior or exterior door often only offers the option of being left ajar by means of a hook.
With a hook, you are forced to drill and screw into your frame and door and this is not desirable for many people.
A hook often does not provide a stable option , causing the door to rattle a lot.
Also, you are always looking at a hook.
With the Kierr Flex 100 you fix your door easily and stably by clamping on an opening between 5 cm and 15 cm.
Easy to attach without drilling or screws ! Also, the Kierr Flex 100 is a top solution to still air and not let your pet outside (see section *pets).
Instruction video Kierr Flex 200 door opener
Watch the instruction video for installing the Kierr Flex 200 door opener on a door here.
And see the added value of the hinge with whichyou can easily open the door.
And of course all this again without drilling and screwing!
Option door holdback garden/terrace and balcony door
Would you like to be able to create a large opening to enjoy the weather more if desired or to get even more fresh air inside?
Then choose the Kierr Flex 200.
The big plus of the Kierr Flex 200 is that you can leave the gap holder in place and the hinged function allows you to open your door and walk through it.
Perfect for use on back doors, balcony doors or patio doors.
This again without drilling and screwing and easy to clamp with the clamping blades.
Ideal also for your pet of course!
(See heading *animals).

Opening through which you can walk yourself Kierr stand holder Kierr Flex 300
If you have to walk through the door a lot, the door holdback Kierr Flex 300 is the solution!
This is because with this door holdback you can create a gap position that you can easily walk through without removing or opening the door holdback.
You attach the door stay as high as possible.
This way you get an opening through which you or your pet can easily walk.
And of course, all again without drilling and screwing.
Kierstandhouder with hinge
The solution to still be able to walk through your door without removing the whole door opener.
The hinge of the Kierr Flex 200 + the Kierr Flex 300 door opener enable you very easily to open your door and walk through it more easily.
And all without drilling and screwing.